The date is set, we're heading to Ann Arbor Thursday morning for 2 days of testing. Thursday will be getting Ann Arbor up to date with their tests that are fairly common for Evan - chest x-ray, EKG and ECHO. One difference with this ECHO is Evan will be sedated for it so they're able to do a thorough job without him wiggling around too much. Friday is the big test - diagnostic catherization. They will enter into a blood vessel in his groin and snake it up into his heart. Once in there, they will measure pressures, take blood gases, blood samples and take pictures with a dye. It's a 2 hour procedure, we'll have to stay 4 hours afterwards for recovery. They did confirm that the doctor will be able to talk with us about results that day after the procedure. I'm very happy we're not going to have to wait to hear.
So, that's about it. I just wanted to post an update to give the details of our week. Specific prayer requests are that one, what they see shows that we can wait on the valve replacement. and two, that whatever they see gives a clear indication as to what we need to do now. I'm hoping that Derek and I are not put in a situation where we need to make decisions without having a clear cut answer as to what that decision should be.
I'll update next weekend with the results of the test. Prayers welcome and highly encouraged. :)

evan is getting so big and is absolutely adorable!
praying for you guys!
LOVE that sweet little dimpled smile! Praying for you guys!
Love, Aimee
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