We've had a fun past few weeks - Evan's birthday and a trip up to my parents cottage were the highlights, but everyday is fun hanging with Evan. Below are some recent photos of our Evan. As he gets older he shows his personality more and more. Just tonight I was sharing my mac 'n cheese (I know, we're fancy at the Curtis household) dinner. After a few bites he reached over and grabbed his container of goldfish crackers, feeding me bites of his snack while I fed him bites of mine. Then clapping when I ate it. So sweet.
Enjoying his birthday banana pudding. He didn't eat any, but loved decorating the deck (and himself) with it.

Mid escape from an post bath diaper change.
Finally crawling! And getting into everything. He generally heads for the bathroom, wine rack, kitchen cabinets or gate at the stairs. (That is when he's not chasing me with the camera)
Loving his new car from Uncle Randy, Aunt Lisa and cousins Reece and Connor! After a rough end of the ride home from up north I couldn't do anything to stop the tears. Well, that was until I set him on his car - immediate big smiles. The car trumps even mom. Amazing.
Not sure what this face was. Maybe thinking about the leaf he just ate.
Mischevious while eating lunch...
...and then pretending he doesn't like his mac 'n cheese.
Playing in the sink. It started with just toes, then somehow turned into this. It ended when he turned on the hot water. Maybe no more of this game.
Enjoying time with Gramma up north
Evan loves Abby (my parents lab) perhaps too much. He has no fear, gladly crawling up to her and giving hugs, along with the occasional smack and hair pull (it may be a short friendship). 
Enjoying the new backyard

Eating a leaf. At least he's organic.

So sweet, and he's getting so big. A year has flown by, he's not a baby any more. Bittersweet as I remember when he looked like this...
1 comment:
I love the pics and your captions... you make me laugh! give that adorable boy a kiss from me!
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